October Pumpkin Patch at Cammas Hall

Hey guys, so I recently went to a Pumpkin patch and wanted to tell you all about it. I wanted to be one of those basic white girls who instagram that they went to a pumpkin patch for those ‘fall/autumn vibes’ so I invited a friend and of we went.

Unfortunately, due to my friend’s medical issues, we had to delay our visit from 1:15 to near enough 4pm. Which is something that definitely needed to happen due to the medical emergency but she wanted to join me nonetheless so we delayed our trip. Unsure of whether we would be allowed in at this time considering we booked a slot, I tried calling Cammas Farms and emailing them but did not get through. So we decided to go. After all, the worst they could do was turn us away.

We journeyed from where we live in North London to where Cammas Farms are in Bishop Stortford, which isn’t too far away. We had been talking a long the way and just generally catching up which is great to do with friends that you haven’t seen in a couple of months. We eventually get to the farm and find that we are allowed in. YESS. We spend the next hour or so scouring these pumpkin patches and finding the pumpkins that we want to buy. We also took a lot of photos. I ended up getting three pumpkins and some cute bits and bobs from the shop. Unfortunately, due to the weather, the Corn Maze wasn’t open. We really wanted to go and have fun in it but we were lucky to even be there when it wasn’t raining that day. If anything, going later probably saved us from getting soaked in the rain and looking like drenched rats.
Our overall haul included 4 pumpkins, 4 squashes, shortbread, two cute halloween cookies, wool pumpkin ornaments, jams, apricots and a carving kit. Here is a picture of our haul:

Thanks for reading <3
